Our history

Sethsmile was founded in 2022 in memory of the late Seth Luwemba (03/04/2015 – 25/12/2021).

In 2019, he was diagnosed with craniopharyngioma a brain tumor of the central nervous system. He endured three major surgeries; unfortunately he passed away on Christmas day of 2021,  two days after his third operation.

Seth was a cheerful, spirited, warm, enthusiastic, friendly, easy going and social young man. He was very generous, compassionate, and he loved every person he met.   He demonstrated practical love and care to those around him. Seth is well remembered for his unique sweet high pitched little voice that moved hearts through his singing and words of affirmation. His catch phrase was “For real!”

In honour of this beautiful soul and to keep his legacy despite his short-lived but well spent life, Sethsmile was established to spread love, care, and compassion especially to children suffering with terminal illness.

Our goal is to place a smile on every child’s face – for real!

Remembering Seth

Seth was a young, yet with a mind many years older than his age. In his illness he never talked about pain... one left Seth feeling more encouraged than when they came. He prayed every morning and always asked whether we prayed for him.”,
What a gorgeous smile Seth had!
You left a big mark in our hearts and lives Seth. You were so adorable, loving, brilliant, faith-filled special child.
God has blessed us with amazing moments with Seth and we thank Him for that. He is going to rest in God’s happiness, joy and love.”